Thursday, February 10, 2011

• 021011 / Degree and Radian Measure 2 :) •

- This morning we discussed more about degrees, radians and formulas.  This is just a short summary of what we have so far in this unit.

* All in brackets are notes to be remembered.

We learned that:
  • Two positive angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180° or π.
  • Two positive angles are complementary if the sum of their measures if 90° or π / 2.
Example: State the complement of 27° in both degree and radian measure.

* Complementary angles add up to 90°.  


              90° - 27° = 63°

* Since 63° is in degrees, we need to convert it into a radian because we're looking for both degree and radian measure.

              63° • π / 180° 
              = 63π / 180 
              = 7π / 20

27° and 63° - or - 3π / 20 and  7π / 20 are complementary angles.

We also talked about different formulas such as:
  • s = r • θ   
  • r = s / θ  
  • θ = s / r  
  • Area of a Sector = θ • r2 / 2

* Always remember that θ must be in radians to use any of these formulas.

Example: If the arc length is 81cm and the radius is 27cm, find the measure of the central angle to the nearest tenth of a degree.

  * Use diagrams or drawings to illustrate and understand the problem more.

* List all the given measures.

  • s = 81cm
  • r = 27cm
  • θ = ?              
              θ = s / r
              θ = 81cm / 27cm
              θ =  3 radians

  * Since our answer is in radians, we need to convert it into a degree.

              3 • 180° / π
              = 171.8873385°
              = 171.9°

The arc length is 3 radians - or - 171.9°.

* For more examples see notes and worksheets :)

- j a y m e e                                                                                                                           

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